Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Halo wee!!! (quoted from Marie)

Halloween is partly over.. though i didnt really enjoyed it as much as last year. It felt like we were dressing up for the sake for dressing up =.= which kinda suck, though awesome participation from the juniors, most of us just sat and watched.
Speaking of halloween, I'm looking forward to All American Rejects!
It got postponed due to the members getting sick, not too sure if it was true since Beyonce's concert was so called "post poned" anyway, most likely cancelled by the looks of it. 31st October, Halloween at bukitjalil carpark, I'm probably expecting many people to come dressing up as zombies ad whatnot.
I have 1 extra ticket, any takers?

Tuesday, October 20, 2009


I'll be back

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Crit for Project 2 is just around the corner, but honestly i think i'm obsessed with online shopping, it's just to addictive =/

It taking over my life! help, i need theraphy =(

wish me luck!